Not sure if the skin growth that is bothering you is a birthmark or a mole? Do you desperately want to remove it? We got you covered! Here at Mole Removal Orange County we specialize in skin lesion removals. Birthmarks and moles are commonly confused. A birthmark is a skin abnormality that develops soon after a baby is born. The cause of birthmarks is unknown, but we do know they can be inherited. If the birthmark is red it means that it is caused by an overgrowth of blood vessels. Brown or blue birthmarks are caused by pigment cells. Most, if not all birthmarks are harmless and safe to remove. However, it is important to consult with a physician before taking action. Come visit us at Mole Removal Orange County. Our board-certified surgeon can examine the skin growth to determine if it is a mole or birthmark and to guarantee if they are safe to remove. Give us a call today to schedule your appointment: (949) 755-0189
Moles are brown and black growths on the skin. They can grow together in small clusters around the body. Most adults have anywhere between 10 to 40 moles on their bodies. Common areas that moles grow in are the neck, face, underarm and body. At Mole Removal Orange County our board-certified surgeon specializes in mole removals. We use radio frequency ablation to remove skin lesions at the root. This allows for a precise skin lesion removal. We have a highly experienced team of medical assistants and our board-certified surgeon whose main concern is the health and safety of our patients. We’ve had patients who decided to remove their mole because of the pain and discomfort it can cause in their everyday life. Other patients decided to remove their moles because it was hindering their confidence. Whatever your reason may be, you deserve a mole removal treatment that is safe, effective, and scarless (results may vary). We have three medical offices in the Orange County area. Call us today to book your mole removal orange county appointment (949) 755-0189